Protecting jobs, supporting local businesses and investing in the right skills for future generations. Having worked in business prior to becoming an MP, I know how important small and medium-sized enterprises are to our local economy. Since being elected in 2019...
Regenerating our town centre and brownfield sites with affordable homes and the necessary infrastructure. At the last election I pledged that I would always fight to protect our Green Belt, especially where there are idle brownfield sites available for development...
Securing improvements to Warrington Hospital and more GP appointments. I've worked closely with our local NHS leaders to make sure people in Warrington South have access to some of the best modern healthcare facilities, and through...
Every school in Warrington South rated Good or Outstanding, giving our children the best start in life. Every child deserves the best start in life, and as a parent I know the value of a good education. It's the single area which matters to me more than any other...
Improving public transport with 105 new electric buses for Warrington plus £120m secured to repair our roads. Warrington is benefitting from some of the largest transport investment in it's history thanks to this Conservative Government, making local transport better...
Keeping our families safe with record police numbers in Cheshire and more visible community policing. Ensuring that we keep our families and communities safe will always be a key priority for me. That’s why I’ve worked with Cheshire Police to make sure we...